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Addicted Lv3️⃣
Richest VIPs
Member for 8 years
I know this forum has been going on for about a year, correct? I can see you are still trying to advertise and share this website to the greater community. Have you thought of a any type of adverstising/marketing plan?

I would like to make the first suggestion on where to start. Setup a poll and ask everyone and all newcommers to complete the simple survey. This will give you an idea where the members are currently coming from and figure out other areas that can be focused on to improve.


A crazy scientist
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Hello drvortex.

First of all, thank you for your interest in this project. It means you're enjoying your stay here and this makes me very happy :)

Well, I honestly never advertised my website or any games to other communities but they usually come here and take all my stuff and share it as their stuff :cry:

However, I like the idea and I agree with you so why not? :)

About forum, is about 10 months yet :p

Thanks for your suggestion, much appreciated!


Addicted Lv3️⃣
Richest VIPs
Member for 8 years
I concur and totally understand the problem with getting too big and bringing in too many "unknown" peeps. They could be in it to just start or be the mole to get information for another site. That sux that people are like that, can't support someone else's idea, always greedy and want it as their own.


?Freelance ? Writer ?
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Member for 6 years
Thank you so much for your Suggestion DrVortex! When users first join, they are required to fill out an intro post before they are unable to post or unlock anything. On the form for the intro, it asks them how they found the site. This way we can see how we are growing the most and focus our recruitment efforts on that. Thank you so much for your interest and we would love to hear it if you have more ideas!

~Cordelia Cross