Mobile Theme bugs is trusted by 1,330,464 happy users since 2014.


A crazy scientist
Staff member
SB Mod Squad ⭐
✔ Approved Releaser
Active User
Hello guys, if you are experienced any problem with our Mobile theme (preview here), you can get assistance here.

We kindly ask to provide a screenshot (if possible) and a detailed description of the error/problem/bug you get and they will be added to this Post, where you will know if they will be fixed.


#1 Login errors. Bug Fixed
Short description of the bug: When trying to log-in using the mobile theme, I get the "Username Invalid" error. Of course my login credentials are correct and the problem only occur in mobile theme. (source: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=151)


Update #1
Bug Confirmed, working on it

Update #2
Bug Fixed!

We are sorry for any inconvenience you are having with our Board and we promise we will work hard to fix them as soon as possible. Thank you for your help.