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Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 6 years
I'm pretty new to this site. I totally found it by accident and I am loving it! I'm an avid crawler/participant over at Fearless (for Cheat Engine), so I love this kind of stuff.

One thing I've been noticing while going through the android game app MODs, is that a lot of the hacks are very extreme. God Mode, 1 Hit Kill, Instant Win, that kind of stuff.

In my mind (as mixed as this may be), I find this ruins the game. When I mod or use cheats, it's usually to provide some kind of "easy" mode. I may not be the norm on this, but I find it makes a game more relaxing and enjoyable. With an instant win type hack, I don't find there's any point in playing.

Now, there are quite a few games that have an Unlimited Money mode and that's it, and those are the one's I download right way, but I've skipped over more than a couple dozen games, just because God Mode or whatever was the only option.

I don't claim to understand how difficult it is to hack these apps, but maybe when people get started, they could add some simple, not so game breaking mods, stop, upload those, and then finish with the more intense hacks? Just an idea.

Thanks for listening.


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 7 years
users usually request what they want to be hacked, you can request lesser mod for the game you like if you wish :)


Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 7 years
Yeah I agree with you mrjane, those kind of hacks can be a bit too much on CERTAIN games in my opinion, but in some like multiplayer game it's a huge advantage. Like a multiplayer game with singleplayer levels so you can progress a lot in an easy way. Anyway I think you're better off posting a request for a lesser feature version on that hack's topic, or maybe contact the modder himself in private chat and see if he's willing to help. :)


A crazy scientist
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SB Mod Squad ⭐
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This is what I call a Quality Mod, and I agree with you.

For example, I've seen some modders do the following in a game:

Unlimited Money
Unlimited Gems
Free Shopping
Spend Money to increase them
Spend Gems to increase them

This is, of course, just an example, but if you think about it, it makes no sense, as the player already has unlimited money & gems, making all the other features useless and counter-productive.

I'm much a fan of mods which slightly enhance the user's experience while playing, because otherwise a game would last no more than 5 minutes as it'd get so easy that you'd get bored so fast that you'll want to change game immediately, switching to another terrible mod.

This is unfortunately a trend nowadays, because I'm used to see a good 70% of the requests on this forum like the ones you mentioned, which is probably a sign that people are getting too lazy to even enjoy a game sometimes. We, as modders, have the role to ENHANCE the gaming experience, and not to RUIN it, so I think it's also our responsability to make sure a mod we release isn't too devastating in a game, but not all the modders agree with me, this is why you can notice many communities where only the count of mods matters, leaving the quality of them apart.


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 6 years
Yeah, the first handful of mods I played were from @Sbenny. Great stuff!

I'm glad to see I'm not alone in this assessment. I think it's hard to make specific requests for mods as what I'm looking for is more of a general feeling... but I suppose I could track down a few that I'm most looking forward to playing with mods and put them out there. I might do that sometime in the future.

Anyways, thanks to everyone that chimed in. Maybe if enough people voice this type of opinion, it'll get modders to keep it in mind.