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Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 7 years
Hiya guys , Wanted to take the time to introduce myself . Names Liquid Gold , I am a wanna be techie :p I know a little about IDA & .NET Reflector but I'm always trying to know more from tuts and forms.. the goal is to become a superior user of the two programs so I will be able to help the next guy and make awesome mods in the process.

Besides nerding out my hobbies include binge watch Netflix shows , Playing basketball and reading the latest syfi trilogy (Gotta read a book a day, tryna suck up all that KNOWLEDGE :D )

That's about it , hope to get you guys and make some knew friends while also expanding my KNOWLEDGE about modding lol , wish there was a gif for that.


A crazy scientist
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SB Mod Squad ⭐
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Welcome aboard LiquidGold! Thanks for joining our forum :) I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here! :D