New year, new forum! is trusted by 1,338,353 happy users since 2014.


A crazy scientist
Staff Member
SB Mod Squad ⭐
✔ Approved Releaser
Active User
Welcome everybody to our new and fresh forum! Hope you like it :)

I'm constantly working on updates and additional features, while having an open eye on performances and ease of use.

99% of the stuff has been moved succesfully here (topics and sections) but some stuff is still missing so I'm working day and night to complete this project as soon as possible.

Right now, if you're reading this message it's because you can no longer access our old forum ( Sbenny's Forum: Android Hacks, Mods and more ). This is because we couldn't have two active boards at the same time. It would have been a total mess, users here and not there, topics there and not here and so on.. so I decided to redirect all the hits to our old forum here.

I'll post below a list of changelogs in real time so that you're always aware about my progresses.

Only problem which affect users who registered AFTER 28th December 2017 is that they'll have to signup again here, because I moved succesfully only everything BEFORE the 28th December, including topics and posts as well.

28th December
- Customization of a new but outdated forum script.
- Creation of a new alternative logo.
- CSS customizations (background, text colors and so on).
- Export of the old forum's database tables.
- Importing tables into the new forum, making hard choices as not everything could be moved.
- Upgrade of the forum script to the updated and more secure version.

29th December
- Installation of a shoutbox custom script.
- Permissions adaptation from the old forum script.
- Usernames styling (partial).
- Adaptation & Optimization of the following pre-existing bbcodes: [rainbow], [img], [hide], , [align]

30th December
- Hot Fixes.
- Emoji support added.
- New Smileys added.
- User profile customization.

2nd January
- VIP permissions fix.
- HTML Login injection in the login form for newest members who lost their account.
- Twitter login/signup is now fully working.
- Google Plus login/signup is now fully working.

3rd January
- 525 SSL Handshake error fixed (server-side).
- 520 error fixed (server-side).
- and all our sites are up and running again.
- Removed the [youtube] bbcode. All links pointing to YouTube will directly show the video without any bbcodes from now on.
- Permissions fix in the Testing Zone.
- CSS Optimizations.
- Dark Theme added. You can now customize your theme from the footer's settings.
- Donations enabled
- Automated monthly donation bar added
- Automatic vip membership upgrades
- Added some thread prefixes (previously known as topic attributes)
- Added default thread prefixes to some sections

4th January
- Edit option for each post is now added at the top-right, too (for ease of use).
- Moderator tools added at the bottom-right of each thread, too (for ease of use).
- Sticky Threads are now separated from normal ones, in order to organize the forum better and have a recognizeable tag (Highlights).
- Added icons before our main forum sections (vieweable at the index) to better recognize the topic of each section.
- Bug Fixes

5th January
- Changed the behavior of the Reply button.
- Added a Quote button.
- Submit button removed from the Shoutbox to prevent overlaps while typing.
- Fixed a behavior in which the top-right Edit button wasn't viewable on some mobile devices.
- Added some icons to some action buttons.
- Added "Latest Mods" in the top menu of the forum to browse our section of updated stuff.
- Added "Solved" thread prefix.
- Added "Templates" bbcode, with pre-formatted APK REQUESTS and APK RELEASES threads.

8th January
- Added a thread fielded template to simplify Game Requests, App Requests and VIP Priority Requests.
- Minor graphic enhancements.
- Bug fixes.

9th January
- Added a thread fielded template to simplify Game Releases, App Releases and VIP Releases.
- Added new fonts.

10th January
- Testing Zone removed. Now each release from unapproved modders in our Game Releases section will have to be approved first.
- Various Groups & Permissions fixed.
- Username Styles fix.
- Subsections of forums are now vieweable from mobile, too.
- Some junk removed.
- Likes list enhanced.
- Thread Titles stylized.
- Added a notice before each hidden/unhidden content.
- Graphic enhancements for the Alerts.

If you have any questions, feedbacks or bugs to report, please feel free to post them below and I'll be glad to add them to the list of my todos. Thank you for being part of and a happy new year to you all, from me and all the staff of!
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From the Hell
SB Mod Squad ⭐
✔ Approved Releaser
Member for 8 years
Looking good so far. If you need anything just let me know. :)


A crazy scientist
Staff Member
SB Mod Squad ⭐
✔ Approved Releaser
Active User
3rd January changelog added (updated hourly). Thank you all!


A crazy scientist
Staff Member
SB Mod Squad ⭐
✔ Approved Releaser
Active User
4th January changelog added, focusing on post/threads/moderator tools.