❓ Help Request New YouTube intro for Sbenny.com® - Official?

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A crazy scientist
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*Hi all, sorry if this is not the right section, I hope I will not get a warn for this I'm new to the site :( *

Jokes apart :p

I was thinking about a new intro for our Official YouTube Channel to refresh our format. At the moment, Havanitos already uploaded those 2 on YouTube:

Also, on our channel you can notice a few more intros. I don't have any particular requests nor requirements, as soon as it's not too lengthy (let's say max 20 seconds).

Let's collect as many videos as we can in this thread, so, if you have any talents in Video Editing, feel free to share your Intro for our site below, we'll decide together which one to use in the future for our YouTube channel! :)

For those who are willing to take part into this project, here's the HD picture of our website logo:


and here's our Official YouTube channel: Sbenny.com® - Official

Thank you all for reading, for any questions, feel free to ask below.


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 6 years
@MrOnline Soldier your presence is required here ASAP!

First intro looks cool!
Agreed Cuz 1st Intro is Lit and since I cant make motion graphics (kinda sucks on After Effect) but as i learn it I WIll do my best for that but for now sorry guys ! sorry to disappoint you bro but i cant make motion graphics yet :( good luck @amodernmyth can u do motion graphics?? @CozPatch i bet you have always mastery on this lol!


Special Guest
Member for 6 years
Here's a couple not so great attempts. :D


Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 5 years
I'll try one attempt when I'm free!
(also this is a post to show I ain't ded)