OnePlus 11 will receive 4 major Android updates, 5 years of security patches is trusted by 1,331,584 happy users since 2014.


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OnePlus president for the Chinese market, Li Jie, confirmed that the OnePlus 11, Ace 2 and Ace 2V smartphones will receive 4 major Android updates and 5 years of security patches. This means that the OnePlus 11 will be eligible for the future Android 17.

OnePlus 11 will receive 4 major Android updates, 5 years of security patches

This places OnePlus alongside Samsung and Google with the longest support for its flagship models. But keep in mind that the information comes from the president of the Chinese arm of OnePlus. So we are yet to hear anything official from OnePlus’ global representatives.

According to Li Jie, that would cost the company CNY 100 million or nearly $15 million to maintain its phones for more than four years after launch, which sounds like a commitment. We’ll see if that includes the global variants of OnePlus phones.

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