Oppo Find N3 Flip and OnePlus Open get new release times

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Oppo’s Find N2 Flip was announced in China in December 2022, so it’s only about eight months old at this point. And yet, we have already seen many leaks and rumors about his successor. As it turns out, that may not have been a coincidence: According to a new rumor from a usually reliable source, the Find N3 Flip will go official in China later this month.

Leaked render of Oppo Find N3 Flip

Leaked render of Oppo Find N3 Flip

The same source also says that OnePlus’ first foldable, the Open, will launch globally in late September or early October. It was recently said that this device was delayed due to a screen swap, going from one manufacturer to another.

OnePlus Open leaked render

OnePlus Open leaked render

That said, today’s source says that while that was part of the reason for the alleged delay, it wasn’t the whole story. In addition, the Nokia – Oppo royalty case in Germany and France is also to blame.

No further details are provided, but we hope that means Oppo plans to resolve its long-standing patent issues with Nokia in Europe, so it will once again be able to offer all of its devices (including the OnePlus sub-brand) in all markets.

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