✅ Solved Proton mail not allowed?

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In Love Lv4️⃣
Green Thumb
Member for 4 years

I was trying to switch the email account I registered under as I believe it has been recently targeted, but not compromised as of yet.
When I input my proton email account though, it warns me it's not allowed.

May I ask, is there a specific reason for it to be blacklisted/ not whitelisted?
And if there's no reason, would it be possible to allow it?

Thank you


A crazy scientist
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Hi Tempestive,

proton email was often used by spammers, that's why it's currently disallowed.


In Love Lv4️⃣
Green Thumb
Member for 4 years
I don't quite get why that's a reason to blacklist it, seems to me spammers could just as easily use another domain...
But that's just my understanding, I realise I'm probably assuming some stuff without knowing.

I'm in a bit of a conundrum here now, as both my alternate emails are proton, and it seems to me one of the safest and free services out there.
Any suggestions? I'm basically just waiting to sort my sbenny account to delete my old email.
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A crazy scientist
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We had a particular concentration of spammers using this exact same provider. It's true, spammers can use any emails, but it looks like this is their favourite one. Nowadays everyone should have a gmail account, don't you? By default, if you're on Android, you must also use gmail to access google play etc.


In Love Lv4️⃣
Green Thumb
Member for 4 years
I do have, but on principle do not use it for anything that's not work related or that could be subject to data-breaching, I hope you don't take it the wrong way :p

Either way, I'll work around it, thanks for your responses!


Hunter of Sbennytopia
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Since this question has already been answered by @Sbenny i am marking this thread as solved and moving it to the Answered Questions. if you have any other doubts or questions then feel free to contact a staff member or create a new thread :)
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