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Harry Severus

😎Wizard👁 of Sbennytopia
Member for 3 years
Greetings @Sbenny :) Just wanted to suggest something. I have observed that the minimum character limit should be 500...Ok but when you quote someone's message their characters adds up with our message. E.g. If you quoted this message which already consists maybe too characters and write your own then it out you under limitation to write ur massage in less than woo characters. So if you could increase the character limit or remove the adding up of characters it would be helpful. I am trying to make it as small as possible


A crazy scientist
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SB Mod Squad ⭐
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As we just addressed this directly in the chat, the solution is quite simple, avoid quoting others' messages when not necessary, as I noticed you're used to always quote someone when you're replying to his/her message, but this isn't necessarily needed. In such cases, you can just mention them (@) :)