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The latest rumors of The Sims 5
The latest rumors of The Sims 5

The saga of life simulation games The Sims does not stop growing and generating fans. From The Sims 2 onwards, expansions and new additions have allowed titles to remain valid for several years, but the wait for the release of The Sims 5 continues to generate excitement. This is the new installment of the Electronic Arts franchise in which you can create your family of sims and live incredible adventures in different settings.

In this note we compile the latest advances regarding the launch and other news of The Sims 5. What can we expect in the adventure, what requirements will it have to run on your devices and what is said in the specialized forums.

Rumors about the release and news of The Sims 5

The fifth installment of the saga promises, as it has slipped through announcements and leaks, interesting changes in the mechanics and playable possibilities. There is still no confirmation of all of them, but a comprehensive and complete proposal is taking shape to continue expanding the universe of the sims. Among the rumors of incorporation and new functions we know the following:

  • The application will have free access and in-game purchases.

The post continues on our Blog: Rumors and hints about the release of The Sims 5

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