📰 News! Some new changes affecting Request Threads

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In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 5 years
Maybe this question is silly but I have to ask regardless lol is this only for game requests that is being requested as of today or requests that are still open, waiting to get done?!

I am not a modder but this is a great idea for people to do it, and get rewarded for it 😊😊


A crazy scientist
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This is for every request, but the reward is given only if the mod/ebook/content is provided AFTER this thread creation date.

To clear any doubts, let's make an example: if a modder fulfilled a request last week, he won't be able to claim a reward, but if he fulfilled it today, he'll be able to claim it, even if the request was made 1 month ago.


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 4 years
This is pretty awesome and i was looking for such opportunity to do some super hacks... Thanks for this opportunity SBENY.COM community.. well done😘🤟👍


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 5 years
What's the point in making such questions? Requests are meant to be started from users who aren't able to do something and are in need of help, it's pointless to ask for something you're already capable of doing by yourself.
I think the point of their question is, can they get some extra SBCash for something they already capable of doing by themselves?


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 5 years
Hey @Sbenny , Ive purchased a few boosters, just wondering how I boost my post with them 🙂 I think Im missing the part that tells me how haha
Based on the first post here => 📰 News! - Important changes & news affecting Request Threads
I'm gonna quote ; "The usage is quite simple, paste the link to the request thread and save! This will immediately add views to the selected thread, boosting its position in the request section of the forum."
And also here => Small Request Booster (single use)
But honestly since I never try it before, I don't really know either how. :cheekydroid: