The OnePlus Pad is finally available in the UK and EU is trusted by 1,330,298 happy users since 2014.


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The OnePlus Pad was initially announced in February and pre-orders started before its price was even revealed. This happened on 25th April and that day the company said it would become available on 28th April in India and Europe. Well, not really.

It turns out that the OnePlus Pad is only now available for open sale in the UK and EU, starting today. The company sent us a press release detailing the development.

The OnePlus Pad is finally available in the UK and Western Europe

As you may already know, the OnePlus Pad only comes in one version, in Halo Green, with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. In the Eurozone it is priced at €499, while in the UK it costs £449.

Note that the European version doesn’t come with a charger in the box, however, the company has apparently backtracked on that decision, since it’s now telling us that everyone who buys a OnePlus Pad will get a OnePlus SuperVOOC. Free 65W charger.

If you want more accessories, you can get the OnePlus Stylo for €99 or £99, the OnePlus Swipe Keyboard for €149 or £149, and the OnePlus Folio Case for €59 or £59).

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