The Sandbox, play God on Android is trusted by 1,331,416 happy users since 2014.


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The success of Apple’s application gallery of 2012, nominated for best game, comes with its adaptation for Android as a free download. We can enjoy completely free the first campaign of the game and the free mode, although for a more than acceptable price we can download the rest of the episodes that make up the Campaign mode that serves as the basis for one of the most fun games on mobile in recent months.

In The Sandbox our character is an apprentice of God who will have the mission of create and direct the destiny of a world. The title is divided into two game modes, Campaign mode, which in turn is divided into 5 episodes with approximately 30 screens, and Free mode.

In Campaign mode we will complete different missions to learn how to use creative powers and destructive of our God. In Free Mode we can use everything we have learned and become the most incredible gods ever seen on an Android mobile phone.


The game is based on the use of different objectsAt first our mystical inventory only has water, earth and stone, but as we combine materials we can reach up to 60 different objects that we will use to shape a magical, unique and unrepeatable world, and we can also share our creations and visit the worlds of other players.

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