Upin&Ipin Demi Metromillenium v2.9 Unlimited Money & Gems

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Root needed? NO

Can be played Offline? YES

Game description:

Help Upin & Ipin as they defend Metromillenium city from the clutches of the evil Doctor Sally and his Egg robots!
Experience the futuristic world of Metromillenium city with lots of challenges! Guide Sergeants Upin & Ipin through Metromillenium city and get ready for the ultimate adventure!
Features of this game:
* Run and collect power coins to call upon the powerful Metrobot to defeat Doctor Sally.
* Run, dash, jump, slide, dodge obstacles like a pro and save all of Upin & Ipin friends along the way.
* Run as far as you can to get the highest score and share it with your friends!
* Upgrade your power ups to help your characters run further on their quest!
* Introducing our new feature! You can now take selfies with Upin & Ipin!
Let's run with Upin & Ipin and protect Metromillenium city!

Google Playstore link:
MOD description:
Unlimited Power Coins
Unlimited Gems

Notes: unsure about it.. this game doesn't run on my devices (original version included), so I cannot ensure I modified the right values. If you can test and confirm it works, it would be appreciated.

Installation Instructions:
To install this game, download the "MOD APK" file below, if you're from pc, move it to your Android device, then tap on the .apk file to install it. Also, ensure you uninstall any previously installed version if you do have one.

Credits to: Me (Sbenny)

Download link(s):
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Upin&Ipin Demi Metromillenium v2.9 Unlimited Money & Gems was released by Sbenny and 3593 people like you already found this fantastic release! Find this and over 20,000 unique Android Games & Apps like this at sbenny.com, here since 2014 to serve the best Gaming Community in the world with hundreds new, safe and amazing releases every day.