Weekly Poll: Are you excited about Android 13?

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Google finished work on Android 13 and launched it on Monday. As usual, Google’s Pixels are the first to be updated, but several other manufacturers are already recruiting beta testers for their interpretations on the new OS: Xiaomi, OnePlus, vivo and iQOO, even Oppo.

Are you excited about the new version? Ok, back up – will your phone also get Android 13? Manufacturers have gradually extended the support window for their phones, but two OS updates are still the standard for many brands. And even with a longer window, some phones just passed eligibility.

What’s new with Android 13? Material You’s design has evolved and can now customize the look of non-Google apps to match background and theme colors. Multilingual users can set a different default language for each app. In addition, the Bedtime mode darkens the screen so that your eyes adjust to the dark and you can go to sleep more easily.

Improved theme engine

Language selection per app

Improved theme engine • Language selection per app • Music player has a new look

Several important security features have also been added. The apps will no longer see your complete media library, you can only select specific photos and videos.

The post continues on our Blog: Weekly Poll: Are you excited about Android 13?

Harry Severus

😎Wizard👁 of Sbennytopia
Member for 3 years
What I say is unless the security measures don't mess up with the mods. I am all in