Weekly survey results: Positive reviews and a good price can help Huawei’s Mate X3 and P60 Pro

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Not having access to Google Play Services or the new 5G networks isn’t ideal, but some are ready to live with it. A high price tag, however, could be a deal breaker. We are one month away from learning the price that Huawei has in mind for its new Mate X3 and P60 Pro and which will be crucial to their success.

Last week’s survey shows that there is a large contingent of people who have not yet embraced the idea of leaflets. Apart from these, most of the people are waiting to see the Huawei Mate X3 reviews and price before making their decision.

Weekly survey results: Positive reviews and a good price can help Huawei's Mate X3 and P60 Pro

Most people (the difference is a fraction of a percentage point) have already decided, no Google means “no thanks”. Unfortunately, it’s not something Huawei has control over or something it could change. For now, the company is focusing on growing its alternative store, the App Gallery.

It is worth mentioning that there are still quite a few people who will seriously consider buying a Mate X3, even with all those limitations and a price that could be high (as is normal for foldables).

The post continues on our Blog: Weekly survey results: Positive reviews and a good price can help Huawei’s Mate X3 and P60 Pro

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