Will my license still work for old versions of an app if the app got updated in the forum?

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
For example, I have unlocked and installed an app with version 1.1, and I'm using it.
When the forum/post updates the app, and now it's 2.0, will the license I have still work for the 1.1 version?


Member for 5 years
Last I remember, nope, old license won't work.


✨Random User✨
Member for 5 years
Nope. An Update = New License. Old License will not work.


A crazy scientist
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Your old license will work forever, but only for the older version you unlocked, of course. You'll be able to keep playing the older version even if you decide to not unlock the newer version, as each license is "bound" to its version, so if you unlock a license for v1.0.0 and then v1.0.1 comes, you can still keep playing v1.0.0 by using the v1.0.0's license.


Veteran Lv7️⃣
Member for 1 year
I got the KKH a couple times with two different versions, and the license of one help me play with a version that said license wasn't attached to, but keep the same features. For example i got version 1 and could play with the license of version 6, but the features of version 1 were the ones available.

So no, i don't think is gonna work for next versions, because the licenses constantly change with different updates.