How to get SB Points at is trusted by 1,331,800 happy users since 2014.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
Thank you so much for the advice! I really want to make sure i can always afford my updates 😇


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
Thanks for this thread, but I agree that SB Points suddenly got harder to obtain. I've been a member of the forums for almost 2 years, but this is my first post ever. I just enjoyed downloading the games and trying them out. But now I see prices of games here costing alot more and it's sad that I can't try them.

I've recommended this site to some friends of mine but the need to pay cash for games essentially drove them away. I felt bad because the games in this site are better modded than other sites, but that initial shock of SB Points compared to other sites that have modded games for "free" will deter some newer visitors.

I hope the system gets changed in the near future. The community is great and helpful but I just want to play some games.