How to get SB Points at is trusted by 1,335,022 happy users since 2014.


A crazy scientist
Staff Member
SB Mod Squad ⭐
✔ Approved Releaser
Active User there an easier way to gain SB Points for someone like me who just wants to play my game?! ..needs 25,000 SB Points to unlock to donate anyone ?! ; ) ..regards to the "MODifiers"
Nobody can donate SB Points, we set up a list of things to do to earn SB Points, if you're willing to get vip mods for free and for doing nothing, I'm afraid you came to the wrong place. We already implemented this system to give everyone the possibility to get a vip mod for free, show at least you deserve it by contributing to our community, if you're really interested in getting it.


Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 5 years
Please make an app compatible with Mobile and make every options differently and where we can download app without any traffic. Thats all.
Hope this comment is helpful to you.