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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
I've been on only when host Gamez or choice Gamez aka mostly cyoa android games. Mods have been released.

I use to grab the YouTube giveaY and be like "Yooo sick, I can now play binge" I been just lurking like A shadow. Now my SB ran out and I've been searching endlessly for the gathering of cash.

But yes this development of abusing is Hella ruined but think about the little guys!

Like me UwU

Dear god, I don't wanna spend irl cash on my fun dorkysecret hobbies (no one irl will ever understand my reading pleasures cd)

But ultimately I do support this slap on abuse, just plssss have a option for the little folks.

PS if there is an option then I probably missed it, I don't keep track on most thing tbh.

This caught my attention cause it helps newbs and even helped me a lot when I joined.
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Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 6 years
God damn leeches ruining it for everyone... i accidently stumbled into this website a year or two ago and have absolutely loved using it for all my games. I really hope you reintroduce a way to received SB Points, the reason i love this website is because it takes paid apps and makes them free with mods. I work a job to pay for collage and i cant pay for phone games. So it would be deviststing if i had to pay for SB Points to avoid paying the real game i might as well just get the og game :/. Hope this all workd out!!


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 6 years
Considering all the hard work the modders have put into their works, and for people to abuse the system like that is really sad... I will try to contribute more to this community and I appreciate and respect any decision you make regarding this matter :) thank you for your hard work @Sbenny


Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 5 years
Whoa.. I've been away from the site for a while now, so I didn't know this was happening... TwT
But I guess people like that would always be there no matter where..
Good luck and thank you for your contribution as always~~ 😆


Addicted Lv3️⃣
Verified 18+ user
Member for 6 years
Hey sbenny. I feel like I should also try and become more active. Maybe I never tried to "cheat" but the system still rewarded me for every time I logged in. Yes I am busy but I know how much work you guys put into this site. I will earn my cash from now on. Sorry if I am not the most active user around but I am currently working two jobs job and studying for the university. Love you guys. You are worth more than any SB Points amount. 😘😍😚😙


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
I have a doubt, if any of the people in this community are looking for a mod for a game and I have it (because I found it on another page) could I share that game? I'm sorry if my English is not very good, I am using the translator


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 4 years
As a new member, i think that wise choice. It will make more member become active, and not just being a silent reader. I'll wait whatever event that you make @Sbenny (y)


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 5 years
Multiple accounts wow people sure are greedy is one not enough. That is beyond disrespectful.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 4 years
Apologies for being incredibly late with this post. I feel like I owe you and Debby an apology.
Originally, I found this site due to the Arcana mod and I really appreciate everything you two have done for creating these APK mods. This is my only account, but I have been extremely passive as a user. But you're right, it's a community and a forum and it's not just about mods. Modders I'm not a big gamer or a programmer of any sort so it is extremely difficult for me to get involved with that portion of the community, but I'll do my best to participate in the general forums and post some reviews.

Again, I'm incredibly sorry for abusing your award system and taking advantage of your hard work. It is only fair to you guys that you implement a system that treats active members fairly.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 4 years
TBH, never knew bout these issues and I'm not too active. Most I do is get the free cash to get modded versions of the games I've bought. Sad to see I won't be getting many modded versions to screw around with after playing the base version but I understand why this is happening and I think it was an overall good choice. Good luck!


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