✅ Solved Age change?

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
So I just checked the SB shop if there's an age change?

I kinda messed up and set my DOB @ 1990, making me 8 years younger that it should be. Is there a way to change it though?


A crazy scientist
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Age change isn't something like editing your username. When you signup, you're required to fill the registration form using your true details, and you should double-check them before confirming the registration as they're not details meant to be edited as they should reflect your identity.

This is the reason you'll not find any "items" which give you such abilities. For this time only, you can contact me privately with your right age and I'll edit it, if you want.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
Thank you for the prompt response. I will send a message to you directly and thus this question can be closed,
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