💬 Review AI Dungeon

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
Name of the app you are reviewing: AI Dungeon

AI Dungeon is a game about writing a story with the help of an AI. You can go wild with the story or have a very, very long session.

AI Dungeon, as i said previously, is about writing a story with the help of a very expensive piece of equipment, all bottled up on a website, or app. The game requires that you make an account, but this is fine as it prevents bots from accessing the site and cause disruption to other players. After you create an account, you can head straight to writing or you can do the tutorials, which explains how to use the AI, which is quite helpful, regardless of your skill with writing. What i mean by this, is that the AI, like humans, isn't perfect and well, sometimes the AI reads your input, and puts something out of place, that has nothing to do with the story, so do the tutorial. The AI can vary from amazing writing to lousy manifesto, depending on if you spend money. Now at this point, you're thinking "wait, i have to spend money to use this god dang thing?" and to that i say, no, but you can spend money to make the AI better. You see, there are 2 different AI's, one that costs money and one that isn't free, and we'll if you have an IQ above room temperature, you'll know that paid is better than free. I've used both, let's just say that the free one isn't even in the paid versions league. So you're thinking "well i'm not playing a game where i have to pay to get a good experience" and to that i say, have a sob story. The guys that made the AI, realized how EXPENSIVE it is to run such tech, so yeah, the developers are cool people but they're not made of money and they rely on patreon and subscriptions to keep their tech running, so if you can, spend some money to help em, they cool.

Would you recommend this to other users? Yes, even if you don't have the money to buy the better version. With enough tinkering, you can still make your sessions sound cool.

Rating (1-5): ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 3 years
Mozliwe ze muszą być wysokie specyfikacje telefonu do grania w ta grę ale moim zdaniem jest ok. Warto wporzadku gra pobierajcie.


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 5 years
AI Dungeon is mind-blowing to me. I was subscribed for a solid while but they've recently introduced an 'energy' system which just kind of put me off and stressed me out, I always felt like I was playing too much or not enough...
That being said it's a groundbreaking project and it's one where I feel the developers really make use of every dollar. Even the free version, I agree anyone should check it out.