eBook Section Rules!

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Special Guest
Member for 6 years
1. Use site search before posting! Duplicate threads will be deleted.

2. If you're releasing a single eBook, don't pack/archive it into zip or rar formats, but instead upload it in raw format. i.e. PDF, EPUB, AZW, PRC, BBeB, OPDS & PDB.

3. No publicly available Project Gutenberg books to earn SB Points. Meaning, no charging for ebooks freely available on the net.

4. Cost to unlock ebooks should not exceed 25SB Points, unless for exceptional and exclusive rare book, where you can raise the price, only to prevent leeching, specifying the reason you did so.

5. Complete ALL fields on the release form and make sure to specify the official source of the eBook in the "eBook Link" field.

6. Try to write the description using your own words, it will also help your thread to gain higher visibility on Search Engines, but if you really can't and you prefer to copy and paste, at least make sure to remove all external links afterwards.

7. Scan the file and make sure it's safe! You'll need to specify a virustotal link to the file you uploaded, when releasing an eBook, to protect our community from threats.

8. If you're posting eBooks from the same series, you should post them all into a single thread. If you're posting more than 10 eBooks into the same thread, you should zip them into a single archive, while if less than 10, please don't zip them, thank you.

9. After you submit your release, it will be held for review by moderators. Please do not attempt to post same thread twice, it's being reviewed so after being approved it'll be publicly available. After 20 verified submissions, you'll have the chance to join the eBook Releaser's group.

10. All other forum rules still adhere to this section. i.e Make an Introduction post and have a profile picture before making requests

Rules are subject to change at any given time. Failure to follow stated rules will earn you warning points. Two warnings will mean a one week ban, further warnings will result in a perma ban. In order to avoid confusion, each time a rule will be updated, it will be specified below. Any infringements related to a rule update will be void if they will be proven to be happened before the rule update.

- Revisited by Yoda on 12/16/18 at 02:45 AM UTC+1
- Rule 8 updated by Sbenny on 02/26/19 at 10:30 AM UTC+1
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