New section: Polls! is trusted by 1,329,758 happy users since 2014.


A crazy scientist
Staff member
SB Mod Squad ⭐
✔ Approved Releaser
Active User
Hello dear community and welcome to the new section "Polls" of this forum!

We all we use this section to make only and exclusively POLLS. So no topic requests or any other kind of topics please.
Also, there will be no possibility for you to reply to any of the topics inside this section, to prevent spam and unneeded comments. Just vote by selecting the more appropriate option.

How to make a Poll

This is pretty simple.
When you will start a topic here, look for the tab called "Poll creation" at the bottom of the page (see screenshot):

As you can see, you've got five options:

1) Poll Question (which will be the question you want to do)
2) Poll Option (possible replies. Make a list of answers, 1 each line)
3) Options per user (how many options can be selected by a user? Default 1)
4) Run poll for: (use only if you would like to make a timed poll)
5) Allow re-voting (this will allow users to change the previously selected option)

If you don't like our Polls system, you're also allowed to use Google Forms to make alternative polls.

That's all guys. Thank you for your time.

The staff of