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Member for 5 years
Yeah? You need to be more specific on what's the problem.
Can't access how? If you can't find it, click on "Brows Room" above the General Chat Box, you'll see the NSFW Room, just click join.
But there isn't anyone there (surprisingly), so there is no point going there 🙃


A crazy scientist
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SB Mod Squad ⭐
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The access to NSFW section gives you the ability to like/reply to threads, which will then unlock the 18+ content :)


Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 6 years
I bought the membership but I still get this
(Sorry, only Pro members can fully access NSFW (18+) content, so you'll need to unlock access to NSFW content by subscribing to our Pro membership to verify your age, using the "Monthly Pro Membership + Access to NSFW section" upgrade. Find out more: Account Upgrades.
If you're already upgraded, just like or reply to this thread to unlock the NSFW content.)
even after liking and replying to thread.