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Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 6 years
Hello. I want to drop by to talk about VIP area specifically free users purchasing VIP content on it. I wanted to point out that the price of SB bucks for purchasing one content is too much for a free user unless he/she buys more bucks or better just apply for a VIP membership, From what I saw it ranges from 10k more or less so what am i implying is at least lower it on considerable amount where a free user can purchase it cause from what I see right now the feature can be considered useless since 10k bucks is not something you can earn out of nothing even a modder free user might have a hard time purchasing it. So I hope you can change that but of course with the consideration of the labor the modder did and the people's wallet


A crazy scientist
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SB Mod Squad ⭐
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The VIP Area prices vary from 10000 to 99,999 SB Points and only truly active users can access this content as the price is intentionally high to let only people who really deserve it because they contributed to the forum access it.

Free sections instead have prices from 0 (free) to 5000 SB Points and are more accessible.

Also, with all the giveaways and free SB Points you earn by doing NOTHING I don't think anyone should comply about it as we're giving countless possibilities to everyone to get something at the forum for free, unlike other places.

But if there's something I noticed, unfortunately, is that the more you give users for free or the more chances you give users to get something for free, and the more they'll keep pretending from us.

If you're unsatistied with our free services, you can go straight into getting your VIP membership in the exactly same way you would've done in other sites.


Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 6 years
I can't say I'm truly satisfied but it's enough to say satisfied but not truly. As for free users, the normal people who just go to a thread and drop a thank you then gone off downloading the files then you have a point on making it high enough to be accessed by people who do contribute. But even those who did contribute have a hard time purchasing it given they can't provide one for themselves so how about those who can't provide themselves? Do they have to work really hard to get those? I don't think people really work that hard just for a single game or app that is modded into their liking unless it is their life but that's another story. Anyway what i would like to be seeing is that those content is at least accessible to mostly anyone or at least who did make an effort to make the forum a better place cause from what I'm seeing it would really take a lot of effort done if it is for modders who can't provide one for themselves and those who just generally can't. Also one would take years or months for a person to finally purchase that. I suppose it's just business after all. Besides why make an effort to mod something that probably no one can use. But then again I guess it's business. As for people that pretend I don't know what you meant by that but if it's about people I mentioned earlier then I see where you are going but have a time to think about those who are poorer. But then the way I imply things now I'm appealing for those contributors not for free users but still it would still make things a bit easier if those guys are eased up.


A crazy scientist
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SB Mod Squad ⭐
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Active User
We're providing more and more ways to earn SB Points for users' actions. We implemented this system for 2 main reasons:

1) Making VIP content accessible without having the need to pay (which especially helps people living in poor countries)

2) Safeguarding our modders and their exclusive content. We can't let people just come here, leave a spammy reply just to take the file and then leave. We are a COMMUNITY, not a file hosting. We're here to BUILD something together, and together means that as modders share their mods to help others, you and all the other people who can't mod, should contribute as well into doing something they're capable of doing, from recording a video to sharing a tutorial or giving tips about a game they play, or even reviewing a mod and so on. This, under my honest point of view, is the only way to equilibrate a community, making sure it's made of people helping people, and not by modders who work hard to provide something exclusive while others just come here, say "thank you" to download and play a mod for weeks, months, and then leave without giving anything back in return.

If you want to call this business, you're free to do so, but I personally think this is called community instead, made of people who come here to HELP OTHERS and not just to take profit (and downloading a mod apk is the exactly same thing, as by downloading a mod apk file you're most likely to be saving money you would've probably spent on the game) and then leave.


Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 6 years
Alright you do have a point I hope there is more ways on earning it than now.
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