💬 Review World War Heroes

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Name of the app you are reviewing: World War Heroes

WWI IGame. High rating in Google Play Store. And I Like? It too......... that's all, (not interesting?)

Good game , High Rating In Google play store, War Game , FPS Game, in this game , u will play as both Allies or Axis Soldier , at first they will give u 2 free soldier,( American and German) u can buy more soldiers ( Japanese soldier , female solder ,and American, German and alot) u can get good easily or easier??? In this game. And alot of guns (there are 5 type of gun) assault rifle? Rifle, And sniper guns , shotgun, special and pistol!!! ,(They explains the weapon history too) (And I like sniper guns)(Note: special are anti tank weapon)....... Yes!!!!! U can use tanks!!!!!(and some trucks) In this game, and ,med kit, and alot and alot! And come and play now! It was in new season and u will get some things if u play now! And i think something worng with matchmaking system.... I think my teammates are bots! Their names are Fakes do they think Some names likes Mike, MarryHilll ,and alot Whatever......are real in Asia server? N0!And in every match! It Suck! So 3 Star. But I think it cuz I didn't linked with my GG account.maybe.... but it worth trying! There was a mod in sbenny buy outdated.

Would you recommend this to other users? 3 star, it was high rating game so I don't need to say sooo much.

Rating (1-5): ⭐⭐⭐