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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 3 years
Ohhhh, I only just joined but I saw this thread and I can't resist sharing this recipe I tried the other day! ^^

I'm translating this from my native language so sorry for any errors. Here we go fellow amateur cooks:

TAGLIATELLE WITH YAM SAUCE (basically sweet potato pasta)

Servings: around 4

You'll need:
  • 500g of sweet potatoes (or 1 medium one)
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 3 shallots
  • 2 tblsp of olive oil
  • 600 ml (≈20 fl oz or 2,5 cups) of chicken or vegetable brooth
  • 1/2 tsp of tarragon (if you can't find any use curry, dill or parsley- I used a mix of three; dill and parsley were dried)
  • 80 ml (≈3 fl oz or 1/3 of cup) of heavy cream
  • 4 tblsp of butter (mine was unsalted)
  • 50g of parmesan (or go wild- I don't judge)
  • 300 - 350g of tagliatelle
  • salt & pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 230 ° C (≈450 °F). Peel your potatoes and cut into medium cubes. Depending on your shallots- cut in half or into quarters, so they are about the same size as your potato cubes! Peel your garlic, throw everything into a bowl and mix it with olive oil.
  2. Put everything on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake for about 20-30 minutes or until browned and soft. Make sure to shuffle them in the meantime, so they are baked properly!
  3. Make your pasta al'dente and without salt or olive oil in the water. Drain off in lukewarm water and AFTER THAT add salt and a little bit of olive oil. Mix well and you can leave it alone for now.
  4. To warm brooth add your baked vegetables and grind with a blender. Add your spices and heavy cream- and blend again.
  5. Heat your sauce over medium heat. When it starts boiling, add butter and parmesan and stir until cheese is completly melted. Then you can finally add your pasta to the sauce! Sprinkle thy parmesan on top and voilà ! : )

I prefer taking things slow in the kitchen and doing things one by one, so it took me around 1,5-2 hours to make it, but the recipe says it normally should take around 1h to make.
Hope somebody will like it! ^^

Edit: Sorry Americans, I forgot abou you (;^^). I added approximate measures of fl oz, cups and °F!
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