A Planet of Mine | Unlocks Res. | Max LVL | No COST |

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Z Exiled

Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
Uhm why is it when i try to press the mod link it keeps sending me to the sbennyforum??
I just want to install the mod 😭


A crazy scientist
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SB Mod Squad ⭐
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It means the link probably expired. Try asking the author if he could reupload it again :)

Z Exiled

Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
How?? And what if he doesn't reply though
Cause whats a single little person like me worth attention for ☹


A crazy scientist
Staff Member
SB Mod Squad ⭐
✔ Approved Releaser
Active User
If you, single little person, weren't worth any attention, then how come I replied to you?

Z Exiled

Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
I am really and very sorry for the late reply😥I just thought that that your message to message the author if he can re-upload it is an automated message 😅 and I really can't follow up your reply to my little me huh😅also really am glad that you noticed me, just hope that everyone can, even if its just my presence😔 anyway enough of that sad stuff 😅 uhm sooo uhm how do I message the author??😅 I'm new to this😅😅
A Planet of Mine | Unlocks Res. | Max LVL | No COST | was released by Snoke and 16061 people like you already found this fantastic release! Find this and over 20,000 unique Android Games & Apps like this at sbenny.com, here since 2014 to serve the best Gaming Community in the world with hundreds new, safe and amazing releases every day.