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Makurie Rae

Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 4 years
The Favorite holiday memories of mine when I was a child will probably be the hanging of socks ( Yes socks, not stockings or something, coz we are not financially fortunate growing up) on Chrismas Eve, and it will be filled with coins and candies when we woke up in the morning of Christmas. And then there comes a time when I'm already aware that Santa is not who they depict on TV and that it was only my parents filling those socks, I still hang my sock until my teen years :ROFLMAO: I don't do it now but it would still be memorable to me given that we barely had money for food but they still make an effort to see us so happy on Chrismas morning.

Merry Christmas Everyone and Happy New Year <3
And Shout out to my Cat who loves to steal my snacks :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 1 year
Christmas is a celebration of Jesus Christ's birth. Some people celebrate Christmas differently, but it is all based upon the birth of Christ. Christmas is on December 25th. This is the day that Jesus is said to be born. Nobody really knows the exact date Jesus was born. Yet, in 137 AD, the Bishop of Rome ordered the birthday of The Christ child be celebrated as a solemn feast. In 350 AD, another Roman Bishop named Julius I, choose December 25th as the observance day of Christmas.
My family celebrates Christmas by decorating our entire house. We also exchange gifts, go to church, and cook a big dinner. Even though we do all these things, we remember the "true" meaning of Christmas - To Celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ.

Christmas is here. Wishing my family a merry and warm Christmas together!


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 2 years
The best gift i got on holidays was the first and the last one i ever got, it was from my father and he got me a blouse, because in my school everyone had a pink one but i didn't, and i remember that i was crying about it and complaining all the time
So my amazing father, one night, called me and said something about that he could't find his keys, because i always know where he put his stuff i told him where but still he ordered me to bring them.
I remember when i arrived at the place where the keys where "supposed to be", i didn't find them, but i found a white new blouse that i took and ran up to my father asking him about it
He litterly said "as long as i am alive, don't cry"
But still i cried my heart that night.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 3 years
My best Holliday memory has to he the Christmas party I had Sr year I had moved schools again Jr year and as a result I didn't have very many friends but come Sr year me and three other people I'd managed to get close to all went to one of their homes we made cookies ate cold cuts watched Monty python hiked went sledding had pizza a secret Santa everything you could hope for it's the only Christmas party outside of school or work I've ever been to and it's a memory I'll cherish


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 4 years
My favorite gift I have to say is spending christmas with my family, nothing better than that and for my favorite holiday memory.. When we were little, my siblings and I would sneak out of our rooms during Christmas eve and look everywhere for our presents, we found them and shook them to try to guess what it was and our mom would find us like that and let us each open one.

Freebie king

Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 4 years
My favorite memory was when I stood up all night waiting for "santa" to come so I could ask him why I always got educational books for Christmas....only to find out it was mummy! 😂
Favourite gift: I think I got that when we had a blackout one day, had no petrol and no money to go out.... initially I kept on saying this would be the worst Christmas 😔
But then something happened we started singing hymns, worshipping Jesus......even prayed! Then I was filled with so much Joy 😁
It's the closest I had ever been with my family
I hope to get that again.


Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 5 years
My favorite gift was back in 2015 when I received my first ever laptop. My mom had this square sized box wrapped under the tree and the whole time I'm thinking it's a TV because I had been needing a new television for my room. So comes the day when it's Christmas time I finally get to open this square sized wrapped gift and once it's finally revealed I burst into tears, jumping around the house and screaming crying because I'm overfilled with joy and so is my mom because I'm happy with my gift. I had to always borrow other peoples laptops or use the really slow desktop we had at home so that's why I was so happy to receive my own personal laptop.


A crazy scientist
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I'm sorry for the delay.

Winners are:

1) HElluter
2) Partywillneverstop
3) moxacu1989

Rewards have been already sent.

Thank you all for taking part 🤗
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