Good tablet for drawing is trusted by 1,330,518 happy users since 2014.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 4 years
I like to create drawings and animations and to make the digital side of my hobby more mobile I decided to get myself a tablet with pen. Since it is just a hobby I don't want to pay 800€ for it but I still would like to have something decent to work with.

I have tried out the iPad 2018 but the screen isn't glued on (I don't know the right term in english) so the pen seems to be floating on it. This would bug me very much. The pro one is better but as I said 800€ and up is a bit too much for something that is just a hobby.

So I wanted to ask here if someone has got a bit more experience and may give me a suggestion. :)


A crazy scientist
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Well, I recently purchased a graphical tablet instead, it's not an Android or iOS device, but it's definitely better than any iPads or Tablets you'll find, if you only aim at drawing. The reason is that it's basically a 21'' Display, but it does have pressure sensors and it's very accurate. Furthermore, it comes with a good drawing pen with two buttons which lets you use quick commands (for example, if you're using Photoshop, you can have a button cancel the last action, like pressing ctrl+z and the other one might enable the color picker) so that you won't need to use anything else than your pen to do pretty much anything you need to do to draw.

The one I specifically picked is "Huion Kamvas GT-220" and it fits my needs, while if you need the best of the best, you should opt for the best brand among all, called "Wacom". I never tried it so I can't say, however I'm already satisfied with the actual graphic tablet I have.

Hopefully it helps.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 4 years
Thanks for the replies! I think okay is good enough for me, so I will look at the Huion Canvas and Samsung Note when I get home.
I have a short question: Is the Huion also useable without a computer? Most grafic tablets I found we're either too expensive for me or they were dependent on a pc :/


A crazy scientist
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As I said above, it's a monitor, not a computer, so you'll need something to connect it with (unsure if you can also connect it with your smartphone or tablet eventually).