Huawei expands the TWS range with Freebuds Pro 2+ is trusted by 1,331,056 happy users since 2014.


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Huawei had a big event yesterday where it unveiled its P60 series conventional flagships and the Mate X3 foldable top dog. That followed with the Matepad 11 2023 tablet, the mid-range smartphone Enjoy 60 and the FreeBuds 5 TWS earphones, but even then it was not done. We also have the Freebuds Pro 2+, an improved version of its most exclusive TWS earbuds.

Huawei expands the TWS range with Freebuds Pro 2+

The Freebuds Pro 2+ are largely identical to the Pro 2s, but add a couple of new sensors. These allow for heart rate and temperature monitoring, allowing them to better fit into your active lifestyle. The company claims this is the industry’s first infrared and green light dual-type heart rate monitor, allowing for even greater accuracy.

Huawei expands the TWS range with Freebuds Pro 2+

As a result of the added sensors, the left earbud has gained 0.2g and now weighs 6.3g versus 6.1g for the right and existing one. Freebuds Pro 2.

Huawei Freebuds 2 Pro+ heart rate sensor and charging case

Huawei Freebuds 2 Pro+ heart rate sensor and charging case

Huawei Freebuds 2 Pro+ heart rate sensor and charging case

Other than that, it’s the same quality pair of TWS earphones that we loved so much in our review. You get a 52g case with a 580mAh battery (in addition to the 55mAh in each earbud) that supports wired and Qi USB-C wireless charging.

The post continues on our Blog: Huawei expands the TWS range with Freebuds Pro 2+

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