Huawei P60 Pro and Mate X3 arriving in Europe on May 9th is trusted by 1,330,978 happy users since 2014.


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Huawei yesterday announced its P60 series and Mate X3 smartphones in China and now we have an official launch date for European markets. The Huawei P60 Pro launch is confirmed in Europe on May 9 at a special event held in Munich, Germany.

Huawei P60 Pro and Mate X3 arriving in Europe on May 9th

The P60 Pro is the only device from the P60 series mentioned in our press call. It will be joined by the new foldable Mate X3, Huawei Watch Ultimate and the FreeBuds 5 TWS earphones.

The event may also include other Huawei devices, so we suggest you circle the date on your calendars and see what’s in store for May 9.

The post continues on our Blog: Huawei P60 Pro and Mate X3 arriving in Europe on May 9th

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