OEMs may be required to adopt “Seamless Updates” on devices that boot with Android 13

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Starting with devices starting with Android 13, the “Continuous Updates” feature will be a requirement for all devices wishing to receive a GMS (Google Mobile Services) license. Since launching the feature with the Google Pixel OG since 2016, the feature has been optimized and some of the downsides of using this feature have been addressed by Google.

Samsung Galaxy S22, S22 + and S22 Ultra

Samsung Galaxy S22, S22 + and S22 Ultra

This feature is implemented in the system partition of a device where the firmware is installed. Using partitions A and B allows many Android devices to install OTA updates in the background, with the only downtime experienced by the user being the time it takes to restart the phone.

Another advantage of this approach is that in the event of a failed upgrade to one of the partitions, the device can easily revert to the previous upgrade. The original Google Pixel launched with Seamless updates, and many Android OEMs have adopted the feature.

In the end! New devices launched with Android 13 MUST support virtual A / B which means it’s almost guaranteed that they’ll also support seamless updates!
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