Old messages recovery

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In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 5 years

I was wondering if there is anyway of seeing old messages you have sent.

I can only see up to 2020 but i am sure i have sent messages before that going back to 2018 yet i can't seem to find them anywhere.

I'm talking about the messages you sent private to the members for help or just to chat.

It be really cool if this was implemented.



Member for 3 years
I don't really understand what you're trying to ask, but

A PM always stores the messages you send, from the start to the end.

A private conversation does the same

I don't think the help chat and general chat do save data that old because that'd increase the load on the servers, therefore to keep it under control, much older messages are purged


Hardcore Lv9️⃣
Member for 2 years
I don't really understand what you're trying to ask, but

A PM always stores the messages you send, from the start to the end.

A private conversation does the same

I don't think the help chat and general chat do save data that old because that'd increase the load on the servers, therefore to keep it under control, much older messages are purged
How about threads and what not? Like normal posts in threads? I'm pretty sure they mean that.


A crazy scientist
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@Jamiexd27 you can see older results once you reach the last page, by clicking a button which appears at the bottom-right saying "Show older results".