Samsung Wallet is now available in 8 more regions including India and Brazil is trusted by 1,329,905 happy users since 2014.


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Samsung Wallet arrived last June, bringing Samsung Pay and Samsung Pass under one roof. It has since been rolled out globally, the Korean company now announcing the service is expanding into eight new markets, bringing the total to 29.

The new regions are Australia, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan and are scheduled to launch in late January.

Samsung Wallet app

Samsung Wallet app

Samsung Wallet app

Samsung Wallet app

Samsung Wallet app

Samsung Wallet is a one-stop service for all types of cards: credit and debit cards, library cards, membership and gift cards, and even some supported digital keys, as well as digital assets such as blockchain wallets.

Samsung is working with some automakers like BMW and Hyundai to enable the digital key feature for a range of models. The Samsung Pass legacy also brings password management and access to cryptocurrencies.

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