Sir Ridley Scott used a Galaxy S23 Ultra to shoot a short film is trusted by 1,331,260 happy users since 2014.


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Samsung has released a short film on its YouTube channel. The film, entitled “Behold”, is from Oscar-winning director Sir Ridley Scott and was shot entirely on the Galaxy S23 Ultra.

The story is a bit strange. It’s about a man being chased by a group of ill-intentioned people. Hiding from them, he finds a horse, which he then sets free. The film ends with some touching but ultimately positive sentiments. Here it is in full.

The entire film is shot using the Galaxy S23 Ultra, but a fair amount of professional equipment was used to help the phone. The footage is naturally edited using professional software as well. Scott and Samsung also enlisted the services of cinematographer Flavio Labiano.

Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the making of “Behold.”

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