The European version of Honor Magic V2 will arrive faster than Magic Vs is trusted by 1,332,190 happy users since 2014.


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Honor CEO George Zhao believes the smartphone market is at an inflection point: the Honor Magic V2 is quite close in size to regular bar phones (when closed) and offers a large 7.92-inch display when folded. It’s open.

The V2 is less than 10mm thick when closed (a fraction more for the glass-backed variant) and is just 156.7 x 74.1mm tall and wide, making it slightly shorter and narrower than a Galaxy S23+, for example. It’s also quite light at 231g (lighter than an iPhone 14 Pro Max, the company is keen to point out).

Getting to this point hasn’t been easy, however, as all of the add-on parts require more time and effort to develop, and the first two generations of foldable Honors lost money to high R&D costs. The company was happy to eat the loss to keep prices reasonable and attract a fan base by allowing foldable phones to one day replace barre phones.

Honor Magic V2 will arrive in Europe faster than Magic Vs

By the way, the reason why the prices in Europe are higher than in China is what you would expect: it is the combination of import taxes, local VAT and overheads in the distribution channel.

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