The OnePlus 11 doesn’t break in half in the bending test, even if its rear glass breaks is trusted by 1,331,502 happy users since 2014.


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Last year, both the OnePlus 10 Pro and OnePlus 10T managed to crack and snap in half when subjected to the now classic JerryRig Everything bending test. There are a small number of devices that have never passed that test, and having two of them in a year isn’t much publicity for the brand’s focus on durability, even if those tests are far more extreme than most. of people might subject their phones to everyday life (unless you like to put it in your back pocket, without a case, and have a tendency to forget it’s there and sit on it).

So with all that in mind, you’re probably wondering how OnePlus’ new smartphone fares in the same test. Lucky for you, Zach da JerryRig Everything finally got his hands on a OnePlus 11 and is ready to do some tests. So grab some popcorn and hit play below to find out what happens.

Ok, so the title of this article has already spoiled it for you, but in case you need even more spoilers, here you go. It all starts, as usual, with the scratch test, which only confirms that there is glass above the screen, and nothing else.

The post continues on our Blog: The OnePlus 11 doesn’t break in half in the bending test, even if its rear glass breaks

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