YouTube does a 180, now says it has an Apple Vision Pro app on the way is trusted by 1,331,572 happy users since 2014.


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There are already more than 600 dedicated apps for Apple’s Vision Pro headphones, but YouTube isn’t one of them. And last month the Google-owned service openly declared that it had absolutely no intention of developing such an app.

How a few weeks can change things. Today, YouTube did a 180 and told The Verge that it has a Vision Pro app “on the roadmap.” Unfortunately he wouldn’t say when we should expect the app to arrive on Apple headphones. Meanwhile, YouTube says it will support Vision Pro “ensuring YouTube users have a great experience in Safari.”

YouTube does a 180, now says it has an Apple Vision Pro app on the way

This is a real development: It’s not usual for companies to deny any interest in a new product like YouTube did last month, and it’s even less usual for them to change their minds so quickly.

It is unclear why this happened. Perhaps the Vision Pro has proven to be much more popular than Google and YouTube had initially anticipated? Or maybe it all has to do with the popularity of an existing $5 third-party YouTube app for the Vision Pro and how it’s No.

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