Yulgang Global Codes 2023 (March List)

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If you like MMORPGs, you’ve probably heard of Yulgang. If you haven’t, it’s a Korean-developed game that’s been around for a while and has gained a large following. Recently, the developers have released a global version that is available in English. While the graphics are great and have many of the typical MMO features, a few quirks might make you hesitate before diving in.

The developers release several working codes that can be used to get free items. However, with the Yulgang Global Codesyou can get crystals, gear energy, ingots, copper, and a main pet for free.

Yulgang Global Codes – March List

In the following section, we have mentioned a list of working codes. Let’s take a look at them.

Code nameAwards
3WEEKYULGANG3Use this gift code to redeem exclusive rewards.
Yulgang3weekSUse this gift code to redeem exclusive rewards.
Yulgang7777Use this gift code to redeem exclusive rewards.
yulgang88756Use this gift code to redeem exclusive rewards.
Yulgang55715Use this gift code to redeem exclusive rewards.
YULGANGLAST7 DAYSUse this gift code to redeem exclusive rewards.
YULGANGLAST7Use this gift code to redeem exclusive rewards.

The post continues on our Blog: Yulgang Global Codes 2023 (March List)

Hope you found it useful! Do you know any other cheat codes for this game? Share them below, thanks :)