ZTE will bring Nubia Z50 series on December 19 with an improved camera

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The nubia Z50 series will arrive on December 19, the brand revealed on its official Weibo channel. The range will have a device with a new bespoke camera with a focal length equivalent to 35mm, which is the light input of a 1-inch sensor.

However, nubia has formulated the announcement in such a way that we are unlikely to see a true 1-inch sensor; rather, we’re getting a shooter with a wacky aim and some software improvements.

ZTE will bring Nubia Z50 series on December 19 with an improved camera

Since ZTE overhauled its entire management in 2019 and had to pay a $1 billion fine for breaking trade embargoes, we’ve seen its nubia sub-brand release just one nubia Z smartphone: there was the nubia Z40 Pro. (with two variants with different batteries and charging), the nubia Z30 Pro and the nubia Z20.

We have to wait for next Monday’s event to know if this will continue in the Z50 range. Hopefully, nubia will share more teasers in the seven days leading up to launch.

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