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New RP Story: New York City


?Freelance ? Writer ?
Active User
Member for 6 years
"I'll be right back with those," Elaine said speeding off.

"What do you do for fun, Eric? Besides saving girls in Dark Alleys"


Savage Lv6️⃣
Member for 5 years
He let out a deep hearty laugh. "I write a lot in my free time, I volunteer, I play videogames," he said with a smile. "I even have the top score in my clan in Crucible on Destiny."


?Freelance ? Writer ?
Active User
Member for 6 years
"That is because you have never played against me. I am sure I could knock you off of your self made throne," she said in a challenging tone. Taunting him.


Savage Lv6️⃣
Member for 5 years
"No thank you," Eric said meeting eyes with Tabitha. Elaine scurried off to help another diner flagging her down. Across the table in her blue gown and converse sneakers she was the most gorgeous woman in the world to him. "Thank you again, for coming here with me, for giving me a chance."


?Freelance ? Writer ?
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Member for 6 years
"Thank you for wanting one," she said with a smile as they ate in silence. By the time they finished, her stomach a was full and she was happy, she'd gotten to steal a second chance with him.


Savage Lv6️⃣
Member for 5 years
"Let's go on to the next part of our night," he said with a smile as he stood. He quickly paid for their meals and left. He led her down the road to a small park where there were a whole bunch of street performers practicing their trade.


?Freelance ? Writer ?
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Member for 6 years
"I love it!, This is amazing!" she said smiling out of excitement, she dragged him forward to one of the performers. He was dancing a wild hip hop style and she couldn't help dancing a little to the music. It was infectious.


Savage Lv6️⃣
Member for 5 years
Eric smiled watching as she danced, her gown flowing behind her. He danced a little too, unable to resist and the dancer beckoned her forward, smiling as if issuing a challenge. She looked back at Eric and he nodded. She stepped forward and danced in response, battling against the performer. Each dance move he made, she replied with her own in kind. It was like they were having a conversation. She smiled, lost in the dance, as if noone was watching. Eric laughed and smiled. Her Converse sneakers poked out from under the gown. They were just so perfectly her. He never wanted this night to end.


?Freelance ? Writer ?
Active User
Member for 6 years
Tabitha smiled and reached out, dragging Eric to them. "Show us what you've got! I know you can dance," she said with a playful smile.


Savage Lv6️⃣
Member for 5 years
He danced alongside them, smiling. Tabitha laughed as the three of them felt exhilarated. "How's that?" he said with a laugh. Just then, Tabitha stumbled over her dress. Eric reached out to steady her, but instead, stumbled and fell down on top of her. He laughed, embarrassed. "That's not how that was supposed to happen," he laughed again.
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?Freelance ? Writer ?
Active User
Member for 6 years
"You certainly have a habit of pinning me down," she said with a laugh. "Thank you for trying," she laughed, embarassed, painfully aware that everyone was staring at them.


Savage Lv6️⃣
Member for 5 years
Eric stood, smiling and pulled Tabitha to her feet. "Please, forgive me," he said with a dorky grin. The dancer began to dance again after silently ensuring that they were okay. "And thank you for allowing us to join you," Eric said to him, slipping a bill into his collection jar. The man nodded and continued to dance.