Should I post non edited videos or edited videos? is trusted by 1,330,222 happy users since 2014.


✨Random User✨
Member for 5 years
Hey! My name is Obber, I am going to ask you guys a question. Should I put effort of creating videos or not? I know this is a weird question, but my goal is to make videos for Sbenny. Thank you :giggle::giggle:

these are some my videos:

Mark A

˜”*1̴̸̷̶̵̧̛̛̪͍̖̦̣̜̠̯̰̻̫̪̰̞̙̎̀̊̑̏́͛̂͐͋̋̈́̊̿̕͝͝͠ͅ *”˜
Member for 6 years
If you're making a mod showcase, make it plain and honest but edit in info like: "Only at" and give credit to the modder(s).

But if you are making off-topic, "social-fun" videos, maybe you don't have to edit those. :)


A crazy scientist
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SB Mod Squad ⭐
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As Mark A said, no problems with it, being off-topic videos :) As per recording mods, it looks like you already know how to do it properly :D