About Daily Login SB Cash Reward / YouTube Contest

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A crazy scientist
Staff Member
SB Mod Squad ⭐
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Active User
It's truly unfortunate to hear that people were abusing the system that extremely. Then not only farming the cash, but uploading the mods to other sites, basically ripping off moders excruciating work. Also, @Sbenny can you clarify specially how we can be considered an active member who contributes to the community? Thanks :)
Active members who contribute to the community, honestly speaking, shouldn't even notice this change. The reason is that what I consider to be an active member is who's already following our guidelines to farm SB Points, and since they give way more SB Points than a daily login reward or a redeem code, they already make many thousand SB Points every day by "following the rules". All you need to do is doing something useful for the community. You'll find out nearly everything considered to be beneficial and useful for our members is already rewarded with SB Points. Find out more here: 💰 How to get SB Points, where you'll find nearly everything we reward with SB Points is actually something which results to be helpful, somehow.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 5 years
Active members who contribute to the community, honestly speaking, shouldn't even notice this change. The reason is that what I consider to be an active member is who's already following our guidelines to farm SB Points, and since they give way more SB Points than a daily login reward or a redeem code, they already make many thousand SB Points every day by "following the rules". All you need to do is doing something useful for the community. You'll find out nearly everything considered to be beneficial and useful for our members is already rewarded with SB Points. Find out more here: 💰 How to get SB Points, where you'll find nearly everything we reward with SB Points is actually something which results to be helpful, somehow.
Thank you very much for the quick and helpful reply! :)


Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 5 years
Kinda sad, but oh well- it was necessary. Keep up the great work!


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 4 years
I understand why this is needed, I'm 15 (practically a kid) and my English is not good so there's not much I can do everyday. Sometimes I feel wrong when receive the daily 30SB.
But if the active user rule is to be applied I will try my best :"D


Hardcore Lv9️⃣
Member for 6 years
Actually by reading this I just realized how useless of a user I am... seriously your site is the best and I've introduced it to all of my friends and I honestly appreciate you guys with all of my heart, I feel like I haven't been active enough to thank you the way you deserve...so I'm so so so sorry that I haven't done all the things you said above, up until now.. I'll try to do whatever I can to let you know how thankful I am for you and your forum from now on. Promise^^ This isn't for SB Points, it's to show my love and gratitude for you guys. Once again thanks for this great site and sorry..💙


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 6 years
Good day,
I see you can afford the bank (Golden Key item); it also counts as a daily SB Points reward.
(Bank gives a 0.1% SB Points interest.)

Some members are currently having a "creative conversation" in the suggestions thread.
I would love to hear your thoughts as you are an eccentric but reasonable person.
didnt know about Golden Key. Just bought it and hope it'll will pay off xD so thank you for posting here about it!


Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 7 years
Thank you for explaining and much respect for all you do. 🌹


Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 5 years
Unfortunate that the lazy have to ruin for everyone else ... I will keep posting/participating where I can.


Graphics Guru
Member for 5 years
It's so sad that people abused the system here. This is such a great and helpful community. Just can't understand why someone wouldn't take the time to be a part of it.


Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 5 years
It's a shame that you have to come to this! And I mean, yeah, i'm not the most active user, I admit it, but people using multiple accounts and taking advantage of the site is not cool. I'm gonna try to become more active for now on, it's the least I can do for the community <3


Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 5 years
Without this notice, I won't realize that there are no more daily SB Points.

May I suggest to add a download count for references when unlocking mods. (I've ask this before)
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Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 5 years
This is a change that was needed, and it saddens me that there are people still out there that cheat on a website that provide them with apps that have no sign of virus in them,I still remember when I first came to sbenny, I thought this would be another community that would just be download app and be gone wkind of website, I am not a very social person and I am afraid that I might be one of those laziest (even though I tried to record a game but it didn't get accepted) but making different accounts to just get sbenny coins, well that is just plain wrong, and I hope that people stop doing that and be great full of these under appreciated people (SOREY FOR MY ENGLISH AS IT IS NOT MY MOTHER LANGUAGE.... SHOULD I ADD A 'P. S' FOR THIS NOTE?!)


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 4 years
Aaahh.. so many people like that huh, i never think about abusing the SB Points by making many account.. i just need one account, and search how to fill my SB Points without paying (because i'm poor) LOL


A crazy scientist
Staff Member
SB Mod Squad ⭐
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Active User


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 6 years
Uh... So,there is no Youtube contest reward now? Why we must get something that we doesn't deserve to? We doesn't abuse it, so why does we have to get included in those changes?


Apprentice Lv2️⃣
Member for 5 years
I'm really sorry I'm not always active u.u I try to be,but I've had alot going on,and a bad illness that's left me mostly deaf. I'll try to log in more, I'm sorry if that created problems 😞


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 6 years
Well, when i have no SB Points left it's time for me to change to another mod site i guess? Because i never upload any mod( because i don't have the ability to mod any games and that is why i join this forum ) and i never get any like or follows


Droidstein Lv8️⃣
Verified 18+ user
Member for 5 years
Now, talking about what's next, I plan to reintroduce the daily login, but this time it will be something available only to contributors (users who actively help our community, even with simple actions, to show us they're an active and helpful part of our forum).

What exactly does being a contributor entail? Cause I'm not really the overly talkative sort. I basically like things that were what I wanted, let them know if it works, and vote.
Should I be doing something else? I don't really interact much (or want to), I prefer to lurk and only say something when I really feel like it.
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