What's behind your username?

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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 3 years
From the game named Darkeden. The number is just there cause there are several people who are using the same name.


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 5 years
Have used mine since I was ten years old. I was really into Ancient egypt back in the day and Nefersita means beautiful daughter in ancient egyptian. I was a dedicated nerd back then to have learned some ancient egyptian... Who am I kidding? I took latin in high school. I'm still weird.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 3 years
Mi nombre probiene de varias cosas, en un inicio era solamente Darko, Ya que me consideraba un Donnie Darko en pequeña escala, y con el Tiempo se Acorto a Darko G que por error se junto y quedo en Darkog, y el 64 es por la primera consola que juge :)


Addicted Lv3️⃣
Member for 3 years
To know what's behind my username, I have to tell you a bit more about me...
I'm an archaeologist for a few years now but as a kid, I wanted to be an Egyptologist. Nephtys has always been my favorite goddess from the egyptian pantheon because of what she represents and what she has done. So I usually use the username Nephtys.
But whenever it's already in use (like here), I change it a bit as Nephyline.
That's it :)


Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 5 years
It's somewhat similar to my actual name but different in spelling. I got it from my Korean grandmother when I asked for a Korean name. She basically just blurted it out without thinking twice so I went and fixed all the papers to have the name "Taehya". After I got the confirmation for legally having the name, I proudly showed it to her. She just laughed at me and said "You silly kid. I was joking when I suggested the name." Turns out, it wasn't even a valid "Korean" name. So yeah...
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Novice Lv1️⃣
Member for 5 years
Mine is from my real name "Tiara", and "V" itself stands for "Villantia" which is means "the home of a family" so my username can mean a family that is blessed with a crown, or a royal family :rolleyes:

it is rather strange to talk about it this way...

Malice Galaxius

APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 3 years
My username came from my classmates. To them, I'm a malice and almost everyone knows it so that's why Galaxius. It's a long time ago though but it still haunts me.