Best MOD MENU Modded APK Android Games (updated: February 2025) is trusted by 1,442,546 happy users since 2014.

Here's the updated list of best mod menu Android games of February 2025, for true hardcore gamers like you! You can freely download all the listed Free and Paid Android APK files, but also MOD (hacked) apps, which will enhance your gaming experience! Currently we're listing 7 mod menu apk files you can download and enjoy on your Android Smartphone, Tablet or Emulator, and the list is constantly updated.

  1. Mod apk BitLife - Life Simulator v3.11.8 - Free IAPs

    BitLife - Life Simulator v... BitLife - Life Simulator v3.11.8 Credits to: unknownType of release: Paid Download Link-=Stripped Content=- How will you live your BitLife? Will you try to make all the right choices to try to become a model citizen before you die? You...
  2. need to find the mod menu

    Hello everyone, how can you find the mod menu? Il2cpp type. You need to take offsets from there and update the mod
  3. Is it possible to make a Cheat Engine PC Table into a working Mod Menu inbuilt into an APK file?

    It says it all in the title. (Context: Circle clickable popup you can use to modify values/Lock them on android)
  4. Legend of Zelda Minish Cap CIA MOD MENU 3DS

    Legend of Zelda - The Minish Cap CIA MOD MENU 3DS Legend of Zelda - The Minish Cap v1.0.0 Credits to: Arch9SK7 Download Link (how to download?) -=Stripped Content=- The Minish Cap retains the general gameplay features that were present in previous Zelda installments. The main...
  5. Mod apk [MEGA MOD] Adventure Capitalist v6.3.1 Cheat Button, Unlimited Gold, Cash, MegaBucks, Angels, All Item

    Title: [MEGA MOD] AdVenture Capitalist v6.3.1 Cheat Button, Unlimited Gold, Cash, MegaBucks, Angels, All Items/Costumes & More Name of the game: AdVenture Capitalist Version: v6.3.1 Root needed? No for signed version and Yes for unsigned version Internet required? Yes Game Description...
  6. ✅ Solved Need a MOD APK for Terminator Genisys: Future War

    What's the name of the game you're asking help for? Terminator Genisys: Future War Is this game playable online only? Yes: this game can be played in online mode only. Is this a paid game? No Google Play link: What...
  7. How to create simple mod menu in Unity games

    I have gotten a lot of request for a tutorial how to make mod menu but haven't got time and almost forgot it. I had to pause all my other protects and start working with this tutorial straight away. With Mod menu, it allows the player to choose what hacks to use. Mod menu can be useful in...